
I started this back in January 2017 after watching theminimalists.com documentary. It is just one part of my journey towards my minimalist way of life. Each day I would give myself a target of one email to unsubscribe from, then two, then three, then four and so on.

It is remarkable how much time I have freed up. Bye bye hundreds of worthless emails. Hello free time. I didn’t realise at the time, but those emails are like spam calls or junk mail in your post. Hate them!

You know where the shops are – when you need them. All those emails I subscribed to were simply hooks to get me to spend money. Money that I didn’t have.


3 thoughts on “Unsubscribe.

  1. Thanks for taking the time out (from minimising) to read my posts. The inbox is one of those digital storage units we just don’t think about. Actually from my perspective it is as bad as a self storage unit, but just “in the cloud”. All that means, is advertising rains on us to buy more.


  2. Pingback: How we lived off one salary for one month | Minimal Mishmash

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